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Use full name (University of Pennsylvania) on first reference when writing for an external audience. Capitalize “University” when it stands for Penn.
Penn Parent Designation + Year
Use the “PAR” designation for parents of currently enrolled students only. Single or multiple designations should be set off from a personal name with commas, front and back:
- John Smith, PAR’11, PAR’14, is co-chair of the Parents Leadership Committee.
Spell out “percent” rather than using the symbol (%), except when used in tables:
- 3 percent
- 100 percent
President’s House
Use who rather than that when referring to people or groups of people.
- Conference participants who elected to take a campus tour were able to visit the newly renovated building.
Scholarships/Student Aid
“Scholarship” communicates merit. “Aid” generally refers to need. Do not use “financial aid” in any circumstance. Use only “student aid” when referring to undergraduate, graduate, and/or professional student aid.
Lowercase, except when referring to formal Penn occasions or events:
- Last fall, students returned to campus like locusts to a favorite feeding site.
- In just a few weeks, Penn’s Summer Session 1 interns transformed an abandoned theater to a thriving site for community meetings.
- Penn students celebrated Spring Break by volunteering at local public-service agencies.
- On September 15, Penn opened its Fall Semester with Convocation at Houston Hall.